Assembly Video

Preassembly tips and advice

  • If you are uncomfortable with bike mechanics, it is best to have it assembled by a bike shop or expert.
  • Carefully remove ONLY the packing zip ties, do not cut any wires or cables. All the packing zip ties are green to help avoid mistakes.
  • There is a plastic spacer supporting the front brake caliper between the brake pad area. Note that squeezing the brake lever without the spacer or bike rotor installed will clamp the pistons closed. It is recommended to save the spacer to use anytime you remove the front wheel.
  • Avoid touching the brake rotors with your fingers. The natural oil present on your hands will contaminate the rotors, reduce braking efficacy, and create a loud whining pitch when braking.
  • Apply grease to the pedal threads and anti-slip to the seat post before installation
  • Make sure your fork is not backward. The brake caliper and rotor should be on the left (in rider orientation)

Step 1: Unpack the bike

The first step is to remove the bicycle from the box, this can be easier if a second person can hold the box while the first person lifts the bicycle. Cut the packing material away from the bike. All the zip ties that need to be cut are colored green.

Step 2: Unpack the parts box

Remove the parts box from the bicycle box and open it. Below is a photo illustrating what everything is. 

  1. Charger
  2. Torque Wrench. The following link shows how to use this tool:
  3. Hex Keys
  4. Anti-slip Paste
  5. Assembly Grease
  6. Crankarm loosening tool (not needed for assembly)
  7. Seatpost Gasket
  8. Pedals
  9. Wheel Reflectors

Step 3: Install the seat post

Step 4: Install the front wheel

Step 5: Install the pedals

Step 6: Align the handlebars 

Often times this step is not necessary. However, on occasion, the handlebars may arrive slightly out of alignment. The following steps go over how to realign them if needed. 

Final Steps:

Once the bike is assembled, it may need some fine-tuning and basic adjustments. The following links are the most common areas needing adjustment within the first few miles.

Adjust the derailleur

Bed the brakes

Adjust the brakes

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